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Shanshan Lin-PhD

Date:2024-05-21    Author:      Source:     Click:

2023.07-Now, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences   PhD student

2020.09-2023.06, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences    MS

2016.09-2020.06, Qingdao University    BS

Selected publications

1. S. S. Lin, J. G. Liu*, L. L. Ma*. Ni@C catalyzed hydrogenation of acetophenone to phenylethanol under industrial mild conditions in a flow reactor. React Chem Eng, 2022, 7 (5), 1126-1135.

2. S. S. Lin, J. G. Liu*, L. L. Ma*. A review on recent developments in N-methylation using CO2. J Co2 Util, 2021, 54.

3. S. S. Lin, X. H. Zhang, L. A. Chen, Q. Zhang, L. L. Ma, J. G. Liu*. A review on catalysts for electrocatalytic and photocatalytic reduction of N-2 to ammonia. Green Chem, 2022, 24 (23), 9003-9026.

4. S. S. Lin, J. G. Liu*, L. L. Ma*. Graphene Encapsulated Low-Load Nitrogen-Doped Bimetallic Magnetic Pd/Fe@N/C Catalyst for the Reductive Amination of Nitroarene Under Mild Conditions. Catal Lett, 2023, 1-12.

5. S. S. Lin, L. A. Chen, X. H. Zhang, Q. Zhang, L. L. Ma, J. G Liu*. Efficient conversion of benzaldehyde to benzylamine catalyzed by carbon-coated loaded Ni in a flow reactor under mild conditions. ACS Omega 2c06279.

6. J. G. Liu*, S. S. Lin, J. M. Sun, L. L. Ma*. In-situ Facile synthesis novel N-doped thin graphene layer encapsulated Pd@N/C Catalyst for Semi-hydrogenation of Alkynes. Journal of Catalysis. 405 (2022) 553–560.

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