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Prof. Dr. Xiaoyan Sun

Date:2022-03-29    Author:      Source:     Click:

Prof. Dr. Xiaoyan Sun received her bachelor degree from Hebei University of Technology in 2009, and her Ph.D. degree (Supervisor: Prof. Dangsheng Su) in material physics and chemistry from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. From 2015 to 2020, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow successively in the Department of Chemistry in Technical University of Berlin (Supervisor: Prof. Helmut Schwarz) and the Max Planck Institute for Energy Conversion (Supervisor: Prof. Robert Schlögl) in Germany. In 2021, she was selected by the National Youth Talent Program in China. Her research involves gas phase and condensed phase chemistry of catalytic conversion of energy-related small molecules, related papers have been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.ACS Catal.,Chem.-Eur. J.,etc.

Selected publications:

1. X. Y. Sun, S. D. Zhou, L. Yue, C. Guo, M. Schlangen, H. Schwarz. On the Remarkable Role of the Nitrogen Ligand in the Gas-Phase Redox Reaction of the N2O/CO Couple Catalyzed by [NbN]+. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 3635-3639.

2. X. Y. Sun, S. D. Zhou, L. Yue, M. Schlangen, H. Schwarz. Thermal Activation of CH4 and H2 as Mediated by the Ruthenium-Oxide Cluster Ions [RuOx]+ (x=1-3): On the Influence of Oxidation States. Chem.-Eur. J. 2019, 25, 3550-3559.

3. X. Y. Sun, S. D. Zhou, L. Yue, M. Schlangen, H. Schwarz. On the Origin of the Distinctly Different Reactivity Behavior of Ruthenium in [MO]+/CH4 Systems (M=Fe, Ru, Os). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 5934-5937.

4. X. Y. Sun, S. D. Zhou, L. Yue, M. Schlangen, H. Schwarz. Metal-free, Room-Temperature Oxygen-Atom Transfer in the N2O/CO Redox Couple as Catalyzed by [Si2Ox]+ (x=2-5). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 9990-9993.

5. X. Y. Sun, S. D. Zhou, M. Schlangen, H. Schwarz. Thermal Methane Activation by [Si2O5].+ and [Si2O5H2].+: Reactivity Enhancement by Hydrogenation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 13345-13348.