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【collective bargaining】Participation of Xiaoyan Sun in the Twentieth National Academic Conference on Catalysis for Young People

Date:2024-07-16    Author:      Source:     Click:

The 20th National Youth Conference on Catalysis was held on May 10-14, 2024 in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China, sponsored by the Committee on Catalysis of the Chinese Chemical Society, organized by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (DICPAS), Sinopec Petrochemical Research Institute Limited (SINOPECRI) and co-sponsored by the National Key Laboratory of Catalytic Conversion of Energy. At the meeting, Dr. Xiaoyan Sun gave a presentation entitled "Cluster Catalyst Design and Reaction Mechanism Based on Mass Spectrometry".

Previous:【collective bargaining】Mr. Tian Fan, Associate Professor of Wuhan University of Engineering, was invited to visit and communicate with the group.

Next:【collective bargaining】Dr. Xiaoyan Sun was invited to participate in The Tenth National Conference on Carbon Catalysis.