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【collective bargaining】Associate Prof. Han Feng from Shandong Agricultural University and Associate Prof. Jia Xiaofei from Qingdao University of Science and Technology were invited to visit the group.

Date:2024-07-16    Author:      Source:     Click:

Associate Prof. Han Feng from Shandong Agricultural University and Associate Prof. Jia Xiaofei from Qingdao University of Science and Technology were invited to visit the group on Oct. 26, 2023, and gave lectures on "Design, Synthesis, and Catalytic Applications of Functionalized Ionic Liquids" and "Application of Porous Organic Polymer-loaded catalysts in hydroformylation", respectively.

Associate Professor Han Feng's Exciting Presentation↓

Associate Professor Jia Xiaofei's wonderful report↓

Previous:【collective bargaining】Prof. Yuan Wang from Southwest Forestry University was invited to exchange ideas with the group

Next:【collective bargaining】Dr. Sun Xiaoyan was invited to give a lecture to the European and American Alumni Association of the Institute.