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【Conference exchange】 Mr. Ding Xuelu from Qingdao University was invited to visit the group.

Date:2023-08-18    Author:      Source:     Click:

Mr. Xuelu Ding from Qingdao University was invited to visit our group on July 06, 2023, and gave a lecture entitled "Novel Open Source Mass Spectrometry/Spectral Imaging Techniques at Atmospheric Pressure".

Ms. Xuelu Ding is mainly engaged in the research of atmospheric pressure open source mass spectrometry and in situ analysis of biological samples and drugs.

Currently, her main research interests include:

1. Design and development of ion sources for atmospheric pressure mass spectrometry. 2;

2. Real-time analysis of biological samples and drugs by atmospheric pressure open source mass spectrometry.

Previous:【glad tidings】Congratulations to Associate Researcher Guangxian Pei, Dr. Mengdi Guo, and Dr. Ting Zhang for obtaining the 2023 Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund Project Support

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