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PhD student Lili Zhang published a critical review on the progress of soft ionization mass spectrometry-based metal nanocluster synthesis, structure elucidation and catalytic reaction mechanism studies in Journal of Mass Spectrometry

Date:2024-07-16    Author:      Source:     Click:

Mass spectrometry (MS), as an important analytical technique, plays an important role in the capture of chemical reaction intermediates and the tracking of chemical reaction mechanisms due to its high in situ, specificity, sensitivity and operability. In the field of cluster chemistry, metal nanoclusters with precise atomic numbers have become a model for the study of catalytic reactions due to their defined structures and unique physicochemical properties. In order to promote the development of mass spectrometry in the study of cluster catalytic reaction mechanism, Lili Zhang, a PhD student, summarized the recent progress of mass spectrometry in cluster synthesis process, structure analysis and catalytic reaction mechanism, and made a prospect of the future research direction of mass spectrometry in cluster chemistry. The relevant results were published in the journal (Journal of Mass Spectrometry).

Link to original article:https://zpxb.xml-journal.net/cn/article/doi/10.7538/zpxb.2023.0088

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